What Does It Mean if a Girl Texts You and Then Doesnt Text Back When You Respond

Updated August 03, 2021

Medically Reviewed By: Lauren Guilbeault

Texting with someone you have feelings for can be painful; even one text going unanswered for what seems like too long can derail your entire day and make you question everything you know about your burgeoning relationship. Although there are numerous factors involved with communication, and whether or not someone can text, call, or DM someone, there are instances in which a lack of a response is indicative of a lack of interest.

What Does It Mean When A Woman Doesn't Text Back?

Not Sure If She's Interested?

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The exact meaning of someone not texting back is difficult to discern, as there are many reasons someone might not send a response to a text, some of them based on disinterest, and some of them based on an inability to reach out, distraction, or something similar. If a woman does not text back for weeks at a time, or days at a time several days in a row, it might be safe to assume that she is not interested in carrying your relationship further. After all, if she were interested, she would likely make an effort to stay in touch and get to know you more.

A woman not texting back could also mean that she is busy or distracted. She might have a large work or school project, family in town visiting, or an old friend with whom she is catching up. Assuming that you know all of the details of her life will only hurt you both, so understand that not everyone believes that daily interaction with a love interest is a necessary-or, even desirable-goal.

Could An Interested Woman Not Text Back?

Of course! Plenty of things take people away from their phones for hours or even days at a time, and the woman you are texting is no exception. If you've texted your love interest and she has not responded to you in hours or days, you can certainly give her the benefit of the doubt and give her plenty of time and space to send you a response.

Women have also been conditioned to believe that texting back and forth quickly and often suggests that they are desperate or too eager, so some women may feel as though they have to be aloof or "play it cool" to keep a prospective partner's interest. If this is the case, you could let her know that you are checking in to make sure she is all right, or you could wait for her to respond; the choice is yours.

The woman you are texting might also have learned to keep her distance until the relationship has progressed further and might be a cautious, careful person where new relationships are concerned. If this is the case, she will probably continue to engage you in conversation but will not go out of her way to text you and may take her time getting back to you.

Other Signs She Is Not Interested

How can you determine whether or not she is interested, then? Apart from texting or not texting, there will be other signs to alert you to whether she is interested. When trying to discern how someone feels about you, observe their behavior, speech patterns, and habits and figure out how they most likely feel based on those things. Signs she is not interested in including:

1)No Acknowledgement Of Interest

If she seems half-hearted about setting a day or time to meet up and doesn't seem to want to commit to anything definite, she is probably not interested. Although a woman does not have to break out a set of pom-poms and confess her intent to marry you, if she consistently shows no particular preference for you and does not seem excited at the prospect of getting to know you or having you get to know her, she is likely uninterested.

2)Not Making You A Priority

Although a fledgling relationship should not be expected to take up tons of time, if you have not been made a priority in any way, she is likely, not interested. Making you a priority does not have to be anything grandiose; instead, making you a priority can look as simple and easy as making sure to give you a quick smile when she sees you or keep eye contact when your eyes meet. It can also mean taking the time to send you a quick text or make a quick phone call to let you know she is thinking of you.

3)She Does Not Explain Prolonged Silence

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Women do not owe you an in-depth window into their day-to-day life, but if she goes days without responding to a text, then gives you a quick, short response, without acknowledging the time passing, she might be trying to scale back on communication, hoping that you'll follow suit.

4)She Pushes You Away

Some people do not feel safe or comfortable actively rejecting someone and resort to pushing people away to fuel a breakup. If she seems to constantly push you away by shooting down everything you say, contradicting you on a never-ending basis, and generally keeping everything close to her and far from you, she is very likely trying to let you know she is not interested.

Accepting Rejection

The most important part of accepting rejection is making sure you do not become aggressive, rude, or too attached, leading to stalking the woman in whom you are interested. Although you can try a few times after the woman in question stopped texting you, you do not become aggressive and cruel in your attempts to communicate-and avoid going to the other extreme and begging for her attention. Instead, you can text a few times over a few weeks to make sure she is intentionally ignoring you. If, during this time, you do not get a response, you can safely assume that you are being ignored. You can send one last text, thank her for your time, let her know that you will not contact her again, and remove her from your phone.

Once she is removed from your phone, try to avoid pursuing her any further. Do not hop on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, to try to see what she has been up to-, whether she is dating someone or anything similar. Instead, when you feel the urge to look her up, redirect your energy and attention toward a more worthwhile pursuit, whether that means speaking to a woman who has consistently shown you interest and attention or redirecting your attention toward other parts of your life.

Recovering After A Rejection

Not Sure If She's Interested?

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Rejection hurts. Even if you and the woman you are texting only connected for a few days or weeks-and especially if it was longer-rejection is painful and can make you feel as though there is something wrong, unlovable, or inadequate about you; fortunately, this is likely not the case. You and another person can have disparate personalities or be wholly incompatible without possessing some fatal flaw or an unlovable personality trait. Some people don't work out, even when they both try their hardest; how much more so two people who are not both fighting with everything they have to keep their relationship afloat?

Although some people will encourage you to leap into a new relationship immediately-and, some evidence suggests that rushing into a relationship can actually boost your self-esteem-you can also take the time after a rejection to check in with yourself and identify what it is that you want or expect from a relationship, or your life in general. Knowing exactly what you want is helpful in every aspect of your life, as you will have a greater sense of direction and a clearer idea of what it is you are looking for and what you are willing to let go of, including old relationships and relationships habits.

She Stopped Texting Me: Rejection, Recovery, And Moving On

Moving on from a relationship can feel like an impossibly tall order, and many people find themselves orbiting their relationship for months or years, unable to finally let go of the relationship they once cherished or relied upon so heavily. In some cases, this "orbiting" behavior will fade with time and will not need to be addressed directly, while in others, intervention from a mental health professional might be necessary. If you feel that you cannot function daily, you have lost interest in things you previously loved, or you find yourself engaging in unhealthy habits to cope with your pain, reach out to a therapist, such as those found on ReGain.Us. Therapists can help you gain a greater sense of equilibrium to recover from rejection and avoid creating problematic habits in the process.

Rejection hurts, no matter how it is delivered. Even if your texting was a fledgling relationship, being rejected and being ignored are both difficult things to move on from, and they can pack quite a wallop to your self-esteem. With some care, diligence, and a little bit of help, you can not only work through the pain of rejection but also emerge from rejection with a healthy attitude and hopeful outlook.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will a girl reply if she is not interested?

Probably not, but in some cases, she might.

She might not text back, which can feel like a terrible rejection. But there are other ways of rejecting you that she might use. If you text her a lot and aren't interested, she might text to explain that she doesn't want to receive your texts. Or she might let you know that she is not interested or wants to keep it on a friend level. While some girls are more diplomatic than others, a rejecting text does not have to ruin your life. Here are some ways you can get over it and move on.

  • Avoid pushing her if she says or shows she is not interested.
  • Do not be aggressive.
  • Avoid trying to make her life you by continuing the texts. If she becomes interested later, she will probably text you.
  • Take some time to get to know yourself better.
  • Think about what you want in a relationship.
  • Hang out with friends and family.
  • Get to know new people.
  • If you are having trouble getting over the rejection, talk to a counselor.

A therapist can do many things to help you recover from rejection. You might not realize that rejection and the heartbreak that goes with it affect your brain chemicals. But your therapist can teach you ways to boost those chemicals in your brain so you can feel better and be more ready to get on with your life.

What should you do if a girl doesn't text you back?

If a girl does not text you back, do not panic. Instead, try one of these things:

  • Give her some time to text you back. Usually, one to three days is sufficient before you send another text.
  • Avoid asking her whether she got your text.
  • Please do not talk about the thing you texted her about unless she brings it up.
  • Wait a while before you ask her out again, especially if your text was about asking her out.
  • Be positive and upbeat when you see her or if she eventually returns your text.

How do you know if a girl is not interested in you through text?

There are several things a girl might text you if she is interested. Here are a few:

  • She mentions "the next time we see each other."
  • She sends long texts.
  • She adds emojis to her texts.
  • She is often the first to send a text.
  • She sends texts to tease you.

How long should I wait to text her if she doesn't text back?

It is not the same for everyone, but here is a rule of thumb: wait at least a day and no longer than three days. This time frame will help you avoid looking desperate or being annoying. At the same time, it is not so long that she will think you have forgotten her.

When should you stop texting a girl?

There are several times you should stop texting a girl.

  • She asks you not to text her anymore.
  • She always texts back that she is too busy to chat.
  • She doesn't text you back for a week.
  • She always sends very short texts.

Although it might be hard to accept rejection, continuing to text when you know that she is not interested irritating for her and counterproductive for you, but if you are having problems making connections with people you are interested in, relationship counseling can teach you how to meet people, get to know them and keep from feeling devastated if it does not work out.

This website is owned and operated by BetterHelp, who receives all fees associated with the platform.

What Does It Mean if a Girl Texts You and Then Doesnt Text Back When You Respond

Source: https://www.regain.us/advice/chat/if-she-doesnt-text-back-is-she-not-interested-rejection-and-recovery/

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